Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Magic Treehouse Books

When I taught second grade, I read a treehouse book after lunch with my students sitting on a rug, I sat in my rocking chair with a student created tree behind me.  The leaves on my tree were book reports.  At the end of the year, I presented  the two children who had the most book reports signed by parents, a couple of magic treehouse books that we had not read yet.

I really liked the Tree house book series by Mary Pope Osbourne.  Many of the the over  45 books also have nonfiction research guides that match the topic of the fiction book.

Check our your public library to download ebooks and overdrive audio books.  I was able to start the audio book and then read along an ebook for free on my kindle.  I also like to go to used bookstores to buy the paperback books for $2.

I am also considering paying the $20  There are numerous other online resources.

When I used magic treehouse books as a high reading group,  I had comprehension questions from a website, that we used to check comprehension  and to drive discussion at the end of each chapter.  Having multiple choice questions gave the students standardized test practice.  Perhaps students could help create their own quizzes too or take an online quiz. I will post links later.

First Grade Blog

Here is a link back to first grade resources.

Dylan moved from Texas to Indiana and to no surprise to me, he was behind.  The    Munster school district had very high standards and each year, Dylan keeps playing catch up.  I hope to start with 3 weeks of personalized program of early second grade, part later second grade blending into beginning third grade to give Dylan a bounce up for next year!